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Add JungleScout Estimator and Viral Launch to Research Links


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    Hi Pamela! While we likely won't provide links to programs with similar features such as ours, we are happy to pass along any suggestions for features based on what you're looking for. It looks like for the first, you're wanting to determine estimated sales based on a rank that you input? Are there any other specific things you would like to see?

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  • While I would love to see sales estimates in Inventory Lab, I'm not sure why you would want to reinvent the wheel? Both services are heavily invested in the data mining that they do to create their sales estimates. Besides that, JungleScout and Viral Launch are in no way similar to Inventory Lab in my opinion.

    That said, if you decide to invest the necessary resources include such a feature, I would strongly suggest you determine how Viral Launch is coming up with their estimates as I have found them to be far more accurate the JungleScout the majority of the time. Viral Launch (I believe) relies more on the 90-day average sales rank rather than the current. However, where JungleScout really outshines Viral Launch is when the rank has recently increased, which is the case in a lot of seasonal items and new-to-Keepa/Amazon items. In those situations, Viral Launch can be a bit too conservative. Perhaps the ideal approach would be to show the user a sales estimate based on the current, 30-day, and 90-day rank and let them choose which one they want to believe.

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    Mary Lukefahr

    Thanks Pamela, I have passed these details along to our Development Team!


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    Robert Ferraro

    I would like to see Viral Launch linked.

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    We'll add you to the suggestion created Robert!

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