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Can't Get Rollo Wireless to Print

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    Hey there Everett! I see that you reached out to support and a response has been sent, so I'm hoping we can get you squared away in our email thread. 

    As for your question for others about the Rollo USB being a better method, I own a USB Rollo and Dymo, but since I don't own a Wireless Rollo I couldn't comment about whether they are easier or not. What I can say is that both of the ones that I do own have been tremendous and I have not had any issues in the few years I've been using them. 

    I'm sure some others can chime in and let you know on what they are using and whether they have an ultimate preference. You may want to check out our Facebook community as well for some additional input:
    InventoryLab Facebook Group

    Hope this helps! 

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