Often, sellers take advantage of coupon codes, sales, etc, and may buy the same MSKU at different prices even on the same day.
For example, on Friday you purchased 10 widgets for $10 each. On Saturday you bought 10 more widgets for $8 each because you had a coupon. You can separate each of these purchases while listing your items in Stratify!
Note: The steps in this article will not allow you to separate purchases by expiration date. For steps to do this, please see- Adding Items to a Batch With Multiple Expiration Dates
Entering Multiple Buy Costs Manually During List
Entering Multiple Buy Costs Using a Buy List
Entering Multiple Buy Costs Manually During List
On the List & Prep page, search for the item and click through the Item Details page.
Enter the details of your first purchase, then click + Add Purchase.
You will be taken to a screen where you will add the rest of your purchases with different accounting information. Here you will be adding new quantities, and not spitting out the total quantity of your first purchase. Just click + Add Row for each different purchase.
Click Save Changes. You'll now see your accounting information grayed out. Your cost will show the Average Cost/Unit amount and "Multiple" will show for Supplier and Purchased if multiple were entered.
If you need to edit any of the purchases, click Manage X Purchases.
And you're done! Once the item has been added to the batch, you'll see an average total for the Cost/Unit and "Multiple" for the Supplier and Purchased Date if multiple were entered for the different purchases.
Once you sync your product feeds, you'll see each purchase separated in different rows on the Replenishment pages for the items. For details on the Replenishment pages, please see the articles linked below:
Entering Multiple Buy Costs Using a Buy List
You can enter multiple buy costs in a buy list as well! Just add the same MSKU to the file on different lines, but make sure it has different information such as a supplier, buy cost, or purchased date.
When you import, upon the InventoryLab Validation stage, you'll have an option to merge these items. Once you click Merge Duplicates, the quantities will appear on one line, and you'll "Multiple" for the Cost/Unit, Supplier, and Purchased Date if multiple were entered for the different purchases.
After the buy list has been processed, you can edit the purchase details if needed by clicking the 3 lines next to the item in the batch and selecting Edit, then click Manage X Purchases as shown above.
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