While listing, you can set a reminder date for any of your items with a memo on the Item Item Listing Details page. You can then be notified about those reminders on the date you set.
For example, if I have an item expiring on 12/1/2023, I can set a reminder while I list for 8/23/2023 with the memo expiring in 100 days, sell or destroy then on 8/23/2023.
If you do not put a Reminder date, but put an expiration date, a reminder will automatically be set for you for 100 days prior to your expiration date in order to allow time for you to have your items removed from Amazon and avoid fees.
To view your reminders after listing items, click the mail icon in the upper right corner of Stratify near your name.
Then, click Reminders from the left menu.
For more information on Reminders, please see Managing Reminders
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