Often, sellers take advantage of coupon codes, sales, etc, and may buy the same MSKU at different prices, even on the same day. For example, on Friday you purchased 10 widgets for $10 each. On Saturday you bought 10 more widgets for $8 each because you had a coupon.
You can list these purchases in multiples while listing through Stratify by following the instructions in the Enter Multiple Buy Costs During List article. Doing this while listing ensures the replenishment rows are automatically created for you.
However, if you've listed through Seller Central, you can enter the different purchases within the Inventory Pages manually to keep your accounting data accurate. Just follow the steps below!
Note: These steps can be taken for both the Listed and Archived views of the Inventory>FBA & Merchant pages.
Additionally, if you do not separate your MSKUs into replenishments, Stratify will use the first cost/unit we collected as the COGS information for accounting purposes.
1. Click on Inventory at the top of your screen and select either FBA or Merchant.
This will take you to the Main Inventory page.
2. Search for the item you'd like to update by using keywords, Title, ASIN, MSKU, tag, or scanning the UPC in the search box showing in the upper right corner.
3. Click on the item to be taken to the Replenishment Detail page.
4. Click+ Add Replenishment towards the bottom of the page.
5. This will open a window where you can enter the following information for your purchase:
Once the information has been entered, click Create New Replenishment.
You will then see a new Replenishment row has been created to track the purchase details that were entered.
The Initial or First Purchase row is displayed first, then the Replenishment rows are numbered in order by Purchase Date. This is also the FIFO (first in, first out) order in which the different purchase details in the rows are accounted for on your sales. For more information on how this works, please see- What is FIFO, and why does InventoryLab use it?
If you have a lot of items to update, you can also create replenishment rows in bulk for multiple MSKUs to save time! For details, please see-Bulk Edit Replenishment Accounting Information
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