You can set up a Zapier integration to link InventoryLab with another program. To start, you'll be able to set up an integration with the following triggers:
In InventoryLab - Set Up a Zapier Connection
In Zapier - Create Your Own Zap
In Scout - Using your Created Zap
Available Triggers
To start, you'll be able to set up an integration with the following triggers:
- When a new expense is created on the Other Expenses page
- When an expense is edited
- When an expense is deleted
- When selecting to send a product zap through Scout.
In InventoryLab - Set Up a Zapier Connection
1. Navigate to Account Name>Settings>Integrations in your InventoryLab account.
2. Click the toggle switch for Zapier under Automation.
3. Click Connect when the prompt appears.
- You are now able to set up the integration within Zapier. The button will show as On and an API key will appear.
4. Click Copy to copy the API Key.
- From here, you can set up a zap using one of our templates directly in Scout, or you can set up your own within Zapier.
In Scout - Create a Zap Using a Template
1. Navigate to Research>Scout.
2. Search for your item to pull up the details.
3. Click the share button at the top right.
4. Click Create Product Zap.
5. Select a template for your zap.
6. Scroll to see all of the options.
- Once you select a template, you will be taken to Zapier to finalize the zap and turn it on.
7. Select Try This Template and make any needed adjustments to the zap.
- See the In Zapier - Create Your Own Zap section for instructions on setting up the InventoryLab portion of the zap.
In Zapier - Create Your Own Zap
1. In Zapier, click Create > Zaps.
2. Under 1. Trigger, click and search for InventoryLab.
3. Select the latest one.
4. Select Sourcing Product under the Event field.
5. Click Continue.
6. Navigate to Choose an Account.
7. Click Choose to select an InventoryLab account or make a new connection.
- If you need to set up a new connection, a pop-up will appear. Paste in the API Key you copied from InventoryLab and choose Yes, Continue.
8. Click Test trigger and Continue with selected record to test the connection.
- Zapier will use test ASIN data
9. Set up the app you would like to integrate with.
- To get started, take a look at some of the articles under Zapier's Help Portal. Just search for the app you would like to link to. You'll be able to choose the following selections to send for your product:
ASIN - The ASIN of the item
Title - The title of the product.
Author - The author of the item (if a book)
Ideal Buy - If this item meets your ideal buy parameters or not.
Scout URL - A link to the item in Scout.
Buy Box - New - The New Buy Box (Featured Offer) price of the item.
Buy Box- Used: The Used Buy Box (Featured Offer) price of the item.
Dimensions - The dimensions of the item.
Original List Price - The original list price of the item.
Total Offers - The total amount of offers for the category.
Sales Rank- The sales rank of the product.
Image - A link to the product image.
Prep Instructions- The required prep instructions for the item.
Sub Category - The product subcategory.
Main Category - The product main category used for fees.
Size Tier - The size tier of the product used for fees.
In Scout - Using your Created Zap
1. Under Research>Scout, search for an item.
2. Click the Share button under Product Details.
3. Select Send Product Zap.
- The last zap turned on will send.
- To change or create a new zap using templates, click the three dots to be taken to the template prompt.
What's next?
- If you are looking to set up automation for your expenses, check out Set Up an InventoryLab Expenses Integration Using Zapier
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