The error message FBA_INBOUND_CARTON_058 tells you that you cannot edit your box content information because the shipment has been converted to the Send to Amazon workflow. It is usually accompanied by FBA INBOUND CARTON 027, which means that the information cannot be sent over to Amazon properly.
This can happen if you've moved over to the Send to Amazon page prior to receiving the green "Success" message for your box content in Stratify, or if you've edited and resent box content info to Amazon after moving to the Send to Amazon page.
The Shipment ID is included in the error message, and the string of numbers is the Workflow ID displayed at the bottom of the Send to Amazon page in Seller Central.
If you have moved to the Send to Amazon page for the shipment prior to transmitting your box content feeds from Stratify, you are still able to enter your box content information directly in Seller Central.
In this case, once you've entered the box content information and completed the shipments for the batch using the Send to Amazon workflow, you can close your batch manually in Stratify.
Or, if you would prefer to provide or edit the box content information for the shipment using Stratify at this stage, you can take the following steps to upload it so it will be accepted in Send to Amazon- Uploading Box Content Information from Stratify to Send to Amazon
Note: If you make any changes to the number of units in the shipment during Step 3 of the Send to Amazon workflow, you will also need to adjust your replenishment rows in Stratify for the items accordingly to avoid inventory alerts. For details, please see- Adjusting Your Replenishment Rows to Resolve an Inventory Alert
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